New 3D animated film on Our Lady of Guadalupe is being made

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The film, called Tepeyac, is an ambitious project about Our Lady of Guadalupe that uses 3D animation to tell her story.

It explains how the Virgin Mary reconciled the two conflicting Aztec and the Spanish cultures, by bringing enchanting characters to life on screen.

Screenwriter and Producer, Tepeyac

“'Tepeyac' tells the story of how the Morenita chooses Juan Diego to be her messenger. Although he is the chosen one, Juan Diego is an atypical choice as he is not a great hero, does not have magical powers, and he is apparently not a great warrior. Yet, like all chosen ones, he will count on his companions along the way to help him fulfill his mission as the birth, and peace, of the Mexican nation depend on it.”

The project has enlisted director Enrique Navarrete, who has worked on several large projects including Dreamworks' The Prince of Egypt, Madagascar, and Shrek.

Director, Tepeyac

“I am very proud to be the director of this film, because I believe it is the key story of what it means to be Mexican, and the principles that Our Lady of Guadalupe conveys to us are the very principles that we must give to our children.” “I feel like a modern Juan Diego because I have been given a chance to tell this story.”

Screenwriter and Producer, Tepeyac

“Telling this story that occurred in 1531 on the hill of Tepeyac, in the way we are telling it, has never been done before.”

Producer, Tepeyac

“Tepeyac is a very big project, very epic, that requires the effort and the support of many people so that these great messages of hope, faith, and love manage to impact not only Mexico but the whole world.”

The film has a budget of nearly six million dollars. Many investors and sponsors have already joined the project and want it to be released on the international market.

Although the pre-production process is ahead of schedule, the aim is to release the film on December 12, 2018. To do this they need the help of others who feel just as strongly about the story, and want to invest so that the film is shown in cinemas all over the world.

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