Pope hangs a sign on the door of his room: "No Whining”

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It's either because it's the summer and he is in a good mood, or because he is tired of hearing people turn complaining into a sport. 

In any case, this photo that “Vatican Insider” published has caused a stir: on the door of his room, Pope Francis placed this post: “No whining.” In the small print, it reads, 

'Offenders are subjected to a syndrome of victimism that lowers the mood and the ability to solve problems.'

It says that 'sanction is doubled if the offense is committed in the presence of children,' and concludes with a hopeful message: 'To become the best version of yourself, you must focus on your own potential and not on your own limits, so stop complaining and act to change your life for the better.' 

Pope Francis was given the poster a month ago after the General Audience by the psychologist Salvo Noè. It's a message that summarizes Pope Francis' thoughts, and highlights the way he has run his pontificate. 

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