The Mirandola Cathedral has been closed for five
years, after a 5.9 earthquake on the Richter scale had caused damage. It was reopened for a few
hours, so that the pope could pray in it.
'The church is secure.'
The pope carried a bouquet of flowers and left it on the altar to pray for the victims and their families.
Then, at the cathedral doors, he met with town citizens.
The bishop announced that before June, work will begin to reconstruct the cathedral.
The pope asked them not to be discouraged.
'I think about all the inner wounds: the suffering of those who have lost their loved ones and of those who have seen what they have built with their lives destroyed. Thank you for the example you have given all humanity, the example of courage, of going forward, of dignity.'
There were brief speeches
because during these visits, the pope likes making contact with people, even if they ask for autographs and selfies.
'And this little precious? Where is your mother?'
Afterwards, his popemobile took him to where the helicopter would leave.
Next to this
church many people waited for him, like this expectant mother.
'When is he due?â?
'In May. His name is Ludovico.'
There he prayed next to this simple monument, which remembers the victims of the earthquake.
After embracing the mayor and the bishop, he entered the helicopter and returned to Rome.