Pope Francis held a special audience with the 'Hospital Sisters of Mercyâ? inside of the Vatican's Clementine Hall. During this encounter, the pope urged the sisters to persevere in their work, despite the difficulties they may face.
The pope expressed his gratitude to the sisters, and said they are 'a concrete sign of how to express Jesus mercy.'
'In the face of the weakness brought about by illness, distinctions of social status, race, language, and culture cannot exist. All of us become weak, and we must entrust ourselves to others.'
Pope Francis also recalled how Teresa Orsini Doria Pamphili Landi, a noble lay woman, established the congregation to care for the sick.
'The Church´s commitment and responsibility towards those who suffer, and reflected on the particular charism of the sisters, which is to care for those in hospitals.' 'The Church´s commitment and responsibility towards those who suffer, and reflected on the particular charism of the sisters, which is to care for those in hospitals.
Finally, the pope reminded the sisters of how their closeness to Jesus, the weak and the sick also serves as a pillar of their strength.