Fr. Jacques Hamel's breviary will be preserved as a relic in a church in Rome

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This is the breviary of Fr. Jacques Hamel, opened to the last page he read before being killed by two terrorists who acted on behalf of Daesh.   

From now on it will be kept in Rome at the Basilica of St. Bartholomew, where the relics of other Christians who were also killed in hatred of the faith are preserved.  

At this ceremony the book was delivered by the archbishop of Rouen, accompanied by the sister and two nephews of the priest.  

Archbishop of Rouen (France)
'I must confess that when they proposed the idea for the first time, I thought it was too soon, we should have done it later. But after listening to the pope, I saw that I was wrong. The pope was faster than me. I am very happy for this opportunity to state that Fr. Jacques is one amongst the many martyrs of the Church.'  

The breviary will remain on this altar, dedicated to modern martyrs in Europe. It was placed there during a simple, but very symbolic ceremony and coincided with the emotional memory of a man who was also simple, a shepherd 'with the smell of the sheep.'  

Archbishop of Rouen (France)
'Fr. Jacques was a humble, gentle man. There was no talk of him. I looked where reports of priests are kept and his report is empty. There is nothing. Why? Because he did what he had to do. There has never been a single complaint, nor anything very remarkable. He was a quiet man who did his duty.'  

The diocese has begun preparing to begin the process of beatification. The archbishop ensures that at this moment, they are waiting the designated five years marked by Canon Law to begin the process. Meanwhile, he will pray and ask the priest for his intercession.  

Archbishop of Rouen (France)
'Yes, yes. I have asked for many things and especially for priestly vocations on our French soil, in the west, so that there are more men who would do this for our Lord Jesus.'

From now on, any pilgrim can also pray and ask for the intercession of this priest. Pope Francis explained he would even do this, because Fr. Jacques Hamel is considered a martyr for the Church.  

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