After celebrating Mass for Fr. Jacques Hamel, who was murdered by terrorists in July, Pope Francis went to St. Peter's Square. There he visited thousands of pilgrims who flocked to hear his catechesis.
He explained three of Jesus' phrases in the Gospel...
'Come to me, take my yoke and learn from me. It is my wish that all world leaders could say the same.'
He explained that Jesus makes a request: to imitate him. He is not a master who imposes impossible burdens. Everything He asks for He has done before. He is not a far-away, distant God. He prefers to be among the people.
'Jesus was not a prince. How terrible it is for the Church when their pastors become princes, away from the people, away from the poorest in society. That is not the spirit of Jesus. Jesus scolded these pastors, and He warned people about these pastors saying: do what they say, but not what they do.'
The pope concluded the audience with waving and cheering pilgrims from different countries, the sick, newlyweds and, on this occasion, young people who are now beginning a new academic school year.
#Pope Francis