Aid to the Church in Need offers scholarships to seminarians in memory of Fr. Jacques Hamel

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The blood of the many martyrs of all the Churches has become the seed of Christian unity. These are the words Pope Francis uses to talk about the persecution of millions of Christians in the world. They are actions committed with the same hatred that led to the brutal murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel, who was killed in his parish by Daesh terrorists.

His martyrdom and the blood he shed will help 1,000 seminarians throughout the world enter seminary thanks to special scholarships from Aid to the Church in Need that will honor his memory.

Aid to the Church in Need (Italy)
'After the tragic murder on July 26, we at Aid to the Church in Need in
Italy, wondered how we could respond to such horror so that our response would not only consist of beautiful and timely
words, but consist of a concrete gesture.�

These are 'soldiers of faith' that concretely respond to evil with good, and to extremism and lack of reason with the gift of their lives, as did Fr. Jacques Hamel.

Aid to the Church in Need (Italy)
'It will be a small 'army' in memory of Fr. Jacques. Although we have come to know him in the headlines, nobody knew anything about this priest. We are confident that he wished that other young people can have the same opportunity he had, that is, to serve the Church.'

Seminarians know they can continue their studies through the extraordinary campaign from Aid to the Church in Need in Italy in honor of Fr. Hamel. They will also benefit from the help they are offering seminarians in the 150 countries where this papal foundation operates.

There are future priests who could not become so without this scholarship. Many times it's because economic resources are scarce, and other times it's because they live in countries where being a Christian means risking their lives daily.


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