Egyptian-American Human Rights activist is helping rescued girls that were in ISIS captivity

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Jacqueline Isaac is young but she has already amassed the following titles to her name: Attorney, Human Rights activist and  Entrepreneur. She has dedicated her life to traveling the world to publicize the genocide suffered by women and religious minorities like Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East.

Attorney & Human Rights Activist
'When I was 13-years-old, I moved to Egypt. Born and raised in California. My life turned upside down, or at least, that's what I thought. But God had a different plan for my life. I was in Egypt and I saw my people, my roots, I saw how beautiful the people of the Middle East were but how much they were suffering because of the persecution; women, Christians, such potential. But they didn't understand their rights they didn't understand how to grasp those rights in the Middle East because there wasn't opportunity.â? 

Isaac is the Vice President at Roads of Success, a humanitarian, non-profit organization, which recently launched a program called 'Tech Over Traumaâ?. The program is meant to help empower, mentor and teach English to the rescued girls who were in ISIS captivity.  

Attorney & Human Rights Activist
'Every government can do something. We don't need to wait until the UN security council refers it. When a government says, when it declares that a genocide has occurred they have an obligation to now support the victims, to stop the genocide. So the UK has done it, France has done it, The European parliament has done it. What's next?!�

Jacqueline has visited Iraq four times and has certainly heard some horrifying stories but none of them prepared her for a chance meeting with a 9-year-old girl that had recently gotten out of captivity. With the help of a video testimony from the girl, She is working on getting the UN security council on board with persecuting ISIS fighters.

Attorney & Human Rights Activist
'The girl and her family and her friends were sleeping one night at home and she got a knock on her door and that knock was an Isis fighter. In front of her eyes they shoot her father and her brothers to death. She overcame for thousands of girls. She escaped and after she escaped her and I met and I video taped her story and she told me, and she raised her hand, and she said, 'if it takes life or if it takes death, my life's purpose is to save my sisters in captivity.â? 

Throughout her continual journey, she has met with some of the most influential leaders from all over the world, including Pope Francis. Jacqueline's goal is to continue to push forward and make strides to unify the people of the Middle East, regardless of religion or class. 

RR/ Roads of Success
- PR

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