Pope to audience: Holy Door is meeting point between pain of humanity and compassion of God

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At the audience, the people witnessed some of Pope Francis' classic gestures... such as the exchange of his white skullcap with one from a visiting pilgrim.

Or stopping to drink some mate brought to him by pilgrims from Argentina.

The pope traveled through the Paul VI Audience Hall blessing and greeting excited pilgrims. In his catechesis he explained the point of crossing through the Holy Door.

'Everyone who arrives to the Holy Door offers their life - with its joys and sufferings, projects and failures, doubts and fears - and presents it to the mercy of the Lord, because we know that the Holy Door is the meeting point between the pain of humanity and compassion of God.' ;

Pope Francis based this on the Gospel passage that recounts the resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain. He asked the pilgrims to think about this parable when passing through the Holy Door, because crossing through the door is like returning to life. ;

'The keyword is: 'Get up!' Put yourself on your feet, as God created you. Standing. 'But, Father, we fall so often' - 'Come on, get up!' These are the words of Jesus, always. The powerful Word of Jesus can raise us up and we can pass from death to life.'

He also said that the mercy a pilgrim receives from passing through the Holy Door must be transformed into something concrete to help others. ;

'What can I do now with this new heart, with a heart healed by Jesus? It means that I should do the works of mercy with my hands and try to help and heal those in need. Mercy is a journey that starts in the heart and eventually reaches the hands through works of mercy.'

Finally, he once again reminded the people that God always forgives every sin and asked the pilgrims to promote an authentic culture of encounter during the Jubilee.


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