Pope Francis at the general audience: "Many people pretend not to see the poor"

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(ONLY VIDEO) During the general audience the Pope reflected on one of the parables of the Gospel; that of the rich man and Lazarus.

The rich man, said the Pope, knew that Lazarus was outside waiting for help and did not help him: 'The rich man was condemned to the torments of hell,' he said, 'not for his wealth, but because he was unable to feel compassion for Lazarus and help him.â? 

'God's mercy,� he added, 'is related to our mercy towards our neighbor. If I do not open the door of my heart to the poor that door remains closed , even for God.�


Dear Brothers and Sisters:  

In our continuing catechesis for this Holy Year of Mercy, we now turn to the parable of the rich man and Lazarus. Lazarus, lying outside the closed door of the rich man's house, longs to eat even the scaps That Fall from His table. Lazarus Represents the silent cry of the poor in every time and place, and the paradox of a world in cui astonishing wealth coexists with scandalous poverty. 

When Both men die, their situation is reversed. Lazarus, whose name means 'God helps', is brought` to the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man is in torment, even thirsting for a drop of water. Abraham has to explain to him how, in the mystery of divine justice, the mercy we seek from God is linked to the mercy we show to others.

The doors of heaven are closed to those who close their hearts to the needs of the poor. Only conversion can open hearts to the truth of God's word and its saving message, which, as our Lady sings in her Magnificat, overturns the situations of this world by the triumph of God's justice and mercy.

I greet the English-speaking pilgrims present at today's audience, especially those from England, Ireland, Malta, Russia, Slovakia, India, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Canada and the United States of America. With fervent wishes that this Jubilee of Mercy is for you and your families a time of grace and spiritual renewal, I invoke upon you all the joy and peace of the Lord Jesus! 

#Pope Francis

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