Pope in Santa Marta: Hearts that are closed to Godâ??s truth are led only by the truth of the Law

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During his homily on Monday at Casa Santa Marta, the Pope criticized the 'doctors of the law� who closed their hearts to pity prophecy and not the circumstances of individuals.

Pope Francis recalled the witch hunts, Joan of Arc and many other innocent people that were killed. Only to be condemned by the judges, who found that they were not in line with the Word of God.

'Jesus himself ended up on the cross for having trusted in God and obeyed His Word and he reminded the faithful of  Jesusâ?? words of tenderness when he said to the disciples on the Road to  Emmaus: How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke.â?

The Pope asked the Lord to repeat the same words that Jesus told his disciples in observing the foolishness of the people.

(Source: Vatican Radio)

'It hurts when I read that small passage from the Gospel of Matthew, when Judas, who has repented, goes to the priests and says: â??I have sinned' and wants to give ... and gives them the coins. â??Who cares! - they say to him: itâ??s none of our business!â?? They closed their hearts before this poor, repentant man, who did not know what to do. And he went and hanged himself. And what did they do when Judas hanged himself? They spoke amongst themselves and said: 'Is he a poor man? No! These coins are the price of blood, they must not enter the temple... and they referred to this rule and to thatâ?¦ The doctors of the letter. '

'History tells us of many people who were judged and killed, although they were innocent: judged according to the Word of God, against the Word of God. Letâ??s think of witch hunts or of St. Joan of Arc, and of many others who were burnt to death, condemned because according to the judges they were not in line with the Word of God. Let us ask the Lord to look to the large and to the small follies of our hearts with the same tenderness, to caress us gently and to say to us: â??Oh you foolish and slow of heartâ?? and begin to explain things to us.â?


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