In addition to Pope Francis' regular appearances, an important part of the Jubilee of Mercy will begin at the Vatican this week.
The Jubilee for those Engaged in Pilgrimage Work starts on Tuesday January 19th and lasts for three days. Priests, rectors, and others involved in pilgrimages will celebrate Masses and a conference at the Vatican.
Pope Francis will hold his weekly general audience on Wednesday morning, in St. Peter's Square or Paul VI Hall, depending on the weather. Thousands of pilgrims are expected to hear him discuss his new catechesis about mercy.
The following day, January 21st, attendees of the Jubilee for those Engaged in Pilgrimage Work will pass through the Holy Door before Pope Francis holds an audience with them at noon.
Mid-day Sunday, January 24th, Pope Francis will lead the Angelus prayer from the window of his study in the Apostolic Palace. Rain or shine, the faithful will pray alongside him in St. Peter's Square.