Before the challenge of welcoming thousands of refugees arriving in Europe, Cardinal Christoph Schí¶nborn, Archbishop of Vienna, made two points. The Church in Europe hasn't moved quickly or with clarity, and Europe is at risk of dividing again.
President, Congress of Mercy (WACOM)
'The risk exists that every one will reach their limits and barriers and walls will return to their borders. The Iron Curtain still exists. It is in a different way, but it exists again.â?
The cardinal's remarks came during the presentation of the European Apostolic Congress on Mercy, which will begin in Rome on March 30th and end on April 4th. During the event, there will be reflections on mercy in different fields, from the spiritual to political. The example of Catholic politicians like Robert Schuman will be studied. He was one of the 'fathersâ? of the European Union, whose process of beatification is ongoing.
President, Congress of Mercy (WACOM)
'Together with Gasperi and Adenauer, he was one of the great promoters of the European Union, a project of peace, and in this sense, a project of mercy.â?
This sort of congress will be held on every continent, though the Roman congress is distinctly influenced by several Jubilee events from the Pope. Throughout those days, testimonies, conferences,vigils dedicated to confession will take place. In January 2017, a world congress will take place in the Philippines.