Exhibit displays little known photos of St. Therese of Lisieux

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The Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome is hosting an exhibition on St. Therese of Lisieux. It's an interesting study of her life, but above all, it shows what was in her heart.  

Les Amis de Thérèse et du Carmel de Lisieux
'We wanted to do something to assemble the message of Therese. We asked ourselves, 'What can we do?' I believe that she has inspired this, an exposition that serves everyone. And here it is, thanks to Therese we have done this.'  

Rector, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
'She gives us a wonderful lesson in how to follow the Lord. We do not have to do extraordinary things, just live our lives with love and through love, knowing to discover the value in small, everyday things.'

 The show brings together little known photographs of the saint, like this one. It also included photos of objects that were designed by her, like this chasuble with a metaphor for her family. From the two roses that are her parents, nine flowers were born. Four are closed, and those are children who did not survive. The other five are those who became nuns. There's also a photo of Pranzini, the murderer who converted thanks to her prayers.  

Les Amis de Thérèse et du Carmel de Lisieux
'Despite the suffering and the trials, she knew how to transform her problems into hope and trust. She is an example. And what happened? She became a Carmelite.'

Rector, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
'The canonization of the parents of St. Therese makes it obvious how important it is for the family to transmit the faith, to transmit it with simplicity and depth, not only a known faith but a lived faith.'

The exhibit has already been shown in Paris, Liverpool, and a favela of Rio de Janeiro. Now, for perhaps the first time, this Doctor of the Church will enter one of the Vatican's universities.

The Secret of Therese from ROME REPORTS on Vimeo.  

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