Postulator for the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux: People ask them to help with dating

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Pope Francis will canonize Celia and Louis Martin, the parents of one of the most beloved saints in the world, Therese of Lisieux. They will become the first married couple to become saints in modern times. And their feast day will take place on their wedding anniversary, July 12th.   

Vice Postulator

'The extraordinary life of this couple is in the normalcy of their daily life. It was a life of any family.'  

Antonio Sangalli has studied the details of their lives and compiled evidence that they lived as saints. He recalled that they were married in 1858. Louis was 34 and his bride was just 27. His business did well, and they lived without economic problems. However, they always had a very sober life.  

Vice Postulator

'Despite being a bourgeois family, they never had that wealthy attitude. In fact, they were very sober. Their daughters complained they were too generous with the poor. And the father replied, 'Give, give, give, make people happy.' That sobriety cost the children, because they ate simple bread and gave the better type to the poor.'  

Louis and Celia did not have an easy life. They lost four children. She suffered from cancer and he endured mental illness. Despite this, they never forgot to trust in God.  

Vice Postulator

'They never doubted the presence and the help of God in their lives. It was this way in moments of joy as in moments of difficulty. Remember that they were married for only 19 years. Louis lost Celia when she was just 47 years old, and he lived for another 17 years. They lost four children. The difficulties weren't their fault, but they never lost faith in God.'  

Sangalli explains that many people have already prayed to this couple for help. And their specialty is with finding a boyfriend or girlfriend, helping to have children, and helping people to love their spouse more every day. 

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