Pope Francis' life makes it to the silver screen

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It was March 13th, 2013. This is what Catholics from all over the world witnessed. 

And this is the story on the big screen...

For the first time, a film about the life of Pope Francis has been released, and it's called 'Francis: Father Jorge.� It begins by telling the story of Bergoglio's youth, and how he found his vocation.

'Theology, Latin, more theology.�
'What is bad about being a priest?�
'What is good about being a priest?�

The film traces his life from birth to election as Pope. It includes the highs and lows of his life. Also, some of his humor.

'The clergy should be able to get married.�
'Why? To have a mother-in-law?�

But the movie isn't all laughs. Father Jorge faced serious difficulties and challenges in Buenos Aires, especially when a military dictatorship controlled the country.

'He is aware that we are in a war, a shameless war.�

His relationship with his family also makes up a big part of the film. He was very close to his grandmother, Rosa. They spoke often and she was likely the person who inspired him to eventually take up the name Francis.

'Saint Francis of Assisi. I want you to have it.�

The story was developed by a journalist who has followed Jorge Bergoglio's life for more than a decade. And now, for the first time, the life of head of the Universal Church will come to the silver screen.

Wanda Films
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