During his Thursday morning Mass, Pope Francis said that God works in history. He explained that God never lets his children down, but rather takes care of them just as St. Joseph did with Jesus.
'History is made step by step. God makes history and we also make history. When we fail, God sets history back on course and keeps walking by our side at all times.â?
The Pope encouraged Christians to trust God at all times. He added that people show how strong their faith is during hard times.
(Vatican Radio)
'And so, step by step, history is made. God makes history, we make history; and when we fail, God makes adjustments and sets history back on course, walking with us all the time. If this is not clear to us, we will never understand Christmas! We will never understand the Incarnation of the Word! Never! Itâ??s a story that goes forward in time. 'Father, is history over with the story of Christmas?'; 'No! The Lord continues to save us in history. And he walks with his people. ''
'Thatâ??s what Joseph does. The man who in the worst moment of his life, the most obscure, takes the problem upon himself. And he takes the blame in the eyes of others in order to protect his bride. A psychoanalyst could perhaps say that this dream of Josephâ??s is the condensation of anxiety, which seeks to be expressed... let them say what they will. But what did Joseph do? After awaking from the dream he took Mary as his bride. 'I do not understand, but the Lord spoke to me and said she will give birth to a son who will appear to be my son!''.
'That God walks with us, that God makes history, that God puts us to the test and that God saves us in the worst moments, because He is our Father. And according to Paul He is our daddy. May the Lord help us to understand this mystery of Him walking with His people in history, of testing His elected ones, as well as the greatness of their hearts as they take upon themselves the pains, the problems, even the blame for our sins â?? Let us walk forward with Jesus across history. '