The Pope welcomed the Association of Italian Catholic Doctors to the Vatican to celebrate its 70th anniversary.
Pope Francis delivered a powerful speech about the value of human life, spanning from conception to natural death. He said the dignity of life is not tied to one's well being, adding that one life is not more sacred than another.
He denounced the 'false compassionâ? that surrounds cases of abortion and euthanasia.
'The dominant thought sometimes proposes a 'false compassion.' It promotes abortion as a way to help the woman; seeking euthanasia as an act of dignity; 'producing' a child, which is considered a right and not a gift, as a scientific conquest; or using human lives as guinea pigs to presumably save other lives.â?
He talked about evangelic compassion as a force that can accompany people, especially those who need it most.
When it comes to a procedure that violates one's consciousness, the Pope encouraged doctors to act according to the Gospel.
'We are currently living in a time in which life is experimented on... Bad experiments. Children are 'made', instead of welcoming them as gifts of God. In a time in which 'life is played with,' beware! This is a sin against the Creator! Against God the Creator! Who created things this way.â?
Pope Francis added that abortion is not a religious or philosophical issue, but rather a scientific one, because it is about a human life. A life that is not lawful to eliminate.
'But it's the modern perspective... The word 'listen' in ancient terms and the modern term of 'kill' means the same.â?
The Pope once again highlighted the need to speak and act against a throw away culture.