She's only 25, but her Album titled 'Adoremus' is already listed on iTunesâ??s top 100 selling Gospel hits.
Part of Tori Harris' style is to combine traditional with contemporary music. It might seem like a stretch, but so far, she's been doing just that-successfully.
She's on tour now, promoting her newest release, 'Sweet Dolor.' In her lyrics she says that if you can't 'change hearts' you can at least throw seeds.
She's currently on tour with 'Save the Storks.' which is an organization that encourages pregnant women to choose life, instead of abortion.
One of her most popular songs is 'Face to Face' will be included in songbooks of some American parishes, starting next year.
Through her Catholic faith, she finds inspiration. The motto she follows is 'Do one thing every day that scares you.' It's something she encourages her audience to do as well.